What business can I start with 10k as a student in Nigeria?
Would you like to know a few business ideas you can start as a student in Nigeria with just 10k or less?
If you answered yes to this question then, stress no more, I’ll give you a rundown of the best business ideas you can start on the internet as a student today with just 10k or less. Yes, as little as 10k!
These business ideas are profitable and can make a student become financially stable. Unfortunately, many students looking for what businesses to do with 10k don’t really know about these businesses.
With the high unemployment rate in African nations, many youths live with no source of income. But you don’t need to fall into this category.
In this article, you’ll learn how you can begin making money as a student with little money.
See Also: Best Loans for Non-Salary Earners in Nigeria
What business can I start with 10k as a student in Nigeria
Table of Contents
Freelance Writing Business
You know about freelance writing, right? Well, I’ll explain it. Freelance writing simply means writing for blogs, websites, and other platforms on your own terms as a self-employed.
Freelance writers do the necessary writing for customers and other agencies through blog content, direct mail advertisement, copywriting, reviews, articles, etc.
You don’t require money to begin. All you need is a PC or mobile phone and your natural writing skills. Just download the WPS application on your android telephone, search for writing gigs on the web and begin writing for money.
Fast-food business
This is an evergreen business for every season you can think of, people always eat. It’s consistently sought after. If you have the skills or passion for making great cuisines or meals you may want to start this business as a student.
Individuals need food to endure! Regardless of how bad the economy is, one thing people won’t do without is food.
As a student, you can simply set up a food business by starting with snacks or food you know to prepare well.
You don’t need a space to start with just tell your friends, family, and schoolmates that you are into certain food or snacks for their patronage.
You may start by printing some fliers for awareness. This will cost you less than 10k and you will be able to spread it across a huge number of people.
Social media is another free platform that you can use to promote your business.
There, you can post images, videos to promote your business and if you are consistent enough, you will be able to attract followers and grow your small business.
See Also: How to use Instagram to Promote Your Business in Nigeria.
Social media influencer
A few years back, social media changed the idea of selling. Social media’s advancement has created an opportunity for partnerships and for brands to identify with their clients and customers better.
Huge sites like Facebook, Linked In, Instagram, or Twitter are some of the most used social media platforms right now.
On these platforms, individuals who have small, medium, or large followers can use their pages to advertise and promote brands that are looking for more popularity.
These individuals get paid a good sum of money when they advertise or talk about brands to their followers.
If you are interested in making money as a student from becoming a social media influencer, you need to start right now to be intentional with your Instagram page. Try to have at least 5k-10k followers.
Post images regularly and engage with your audience with your different posts. Once you start doing this, you will attract small brands who are interested in working with mini-influencers like you.
As you grow your follower base, you would even attract bigger brands which would translate to more money for you.
Here is a guide on how to become a social media influencer in Nigeria and make money.
This is one business you can start in Nigeria with 10k as a student.
Dropshipping works for many young Nigerians who want to work from home and make money every single day.
Simply put, dropshipping is a form of retail business wherein the seller accepts customer orders but does not keep goods sold in stock.
This is how it works:
When someone orders a good, you simply transfer the orders and shipment details to either the manufacturer, a wholesaler, or a fulfillment house, who then ships the goods directly to your customers.
All you need to do is post beautiful images of the goods available with your manufacturer on your business pages online.
Once people make an order, send details to the manufacturers who fulfill the order. How do you make money?
You sell the goods at the price you desire, send the manufacturers there’s and the profit is yours.
You can start this business as a student with 10k or less.
Mini importation business
This business idea involves buying goods from abroad (Europe, Asia, America, and so on) at wholesale prices and selling them here in Nigeria to make some profit. Once the products you import are sought after in your locality, then you can make money selling them.
The distinction between mini-importation and dropshipping is that mini-importation requires you to buy items from Chinese sites like Alibaba or 1688, send them to Nigeria and make a profit from selling them.
But you can start with a very little amount of money to import items especially from a country like China where their goods are sold at a more affordable price than most other countries.
Here is a guide that can help you if you want to start mini-importation in Nigeria. `
Small scale Agriculture Business
This business entails the rearing, creation, and sales of yields, ranch apparatus handling, seed supply, showcasing, and advancing retail deals.
It’s a profitable business you can start with 10k as a student in Nigeria.
Around 2016, a young lady named Veronica from Imo state was into this business. She lost her parent around 2014 and from that point forward, began a little farming business.
The good thing is that Veronica became a very successful farmer with the greatest small farm in her locality, she has a vehicle and a duplex now.
Now, that could be you too.
Fish farming
Fish farming is one of the best types of farming that is very lucrative these days. You can start this business with 10k as a student in Nigeria and soon start to make money from the business.
If you are interested and passionate about animal farming, this is a good business for you. For one thing, Nigerians eat a huge number of fish daily alongside meats. Many who cannot afford to buy meat will also go for fish. So, there will always be a market for fish farming in Nigeria.
Small chops
Small chops business is one of the growing businesses in Nigeria that people are going into.
This is because small chops have become a favourite pastime for many Nigerian foodies and lovers of food generally.
Small chops are also very filling, unlike just ordinary snacks which makes many people prefer them to snacks.
You may want to start this business as a student. All you need do is to learn how small chops are being made. Then make sure there is something special about your own small chops to give it that distinguishing signature.
Start by selling your small chops to people around you first. Once they love your recipe, they’ll be the ones to help you tell others with their words of mouth.
Starting a blog is probably one of the best businesses a student can do, especially if you love to write.
With around 10,000 naira, you can begin a blog that will be read by a large number of individuals in and outside Nigeria. All you need is to get a WordPress blog, get a domain name that will cost you less than 5k, and a hosting company for less than 3k monthly.
Altogether, you cannot spend up to 10k to start a blog. And the good thing about blogging is that once you start it, you can soon start earning from Google AdSense and later from advertisement and sponsored posts, etc.
Here is a guide that can help you start a blog easily and make money from blogging.
Social media manager
If you are good at managing social media accounts with engaging content and managing comments and activities on social media pages, then you may want to start this business with less than 10k.
All you need is the expertise and knowledge of how to manage social media accounts and help the companies or individuals that you manage their accounts get value for their money.
There is a difference between social media management and being a social media influencer.
Social media manager does the underground work for page owners while influencers are people who have built their own audience and followers and help brands advertise their businesses on their pages.
Sales of past questions (ON-CAMPUS)
One essential tool for students who want to pass school examinations at different levels is the pass questions.
Examination past questions of previous exams are always useful for students because students and teachers keep recycling these questions.
This is what makes the sales of past questions a very good and ideal business for any student who wants to start a business with 10k or less. Rest assured; you will always find buyers for your services.
Imagine the whole students on the campus knowing you as the go-to person for their past questions in any course? What that means is that anytime there is an examination every semester, you’ll be making your cool cash.
As I said, you don’t need much to start this business, all you need is some A4 papers and toners and some research to find genuine pass questions and answers.
Cryptocurrency trading
With as little as 10k, you can start a form of investment in cryptocurrency trading by buying some cryptos when the price comes down only to re-sell when prices are selling high.
This comprehensive guide about how to invest in cryptocurrency will guide you in how you can start cryptocurrency investment as a student and cash out big time.
Public speaking/event MC
Public speaking is an unsurpassed profession. In case you will be a leader in any setting, you would need to be OK with public speaking.
This can likewise be an extremely worthwhile business, as long as you are excellent at it.
It requires low or no funding to begin. With simply your stage name and a level of self-confidence, you could ultimately venture into public speaking and learn on the job as you go.
Start with hosting small students’ events for them for free. Then organize events where you can also speak and inspire others. Keep learning about public speaking and how to make money from it, keep reading books about successful public speakers and hosts.
And then you can get better.
Related: How to become an OAP in Nigeria.
Mobile car wash
The vehicle washing business can be unquestionably worthwhile however, it will require some startup capital and licenses to start.
However, a portable vehicle wash business is far simpler to fire up and can be truly productive.
All you need is a few investment funds for cleansers and brushes
House cleaning
This business is all about cleaning houses which include tidying, vacuuming, cleaning, and wiping the floors of rooms. It’s one of the best businesses you can start with 10k or less as a student in Nigeria.
Contingent upon the understanding you have with your customers, it might include cleaning the restrooms, mirrors, latrines, showers, kitchen.
Cleaning apparatuses, counters, sinks, and cupboard entryways could be cleaned as well.
You have the liberty to set your charges based on your instinct and make as much profit as you want. The major challenge here is security issues. When venturing into this business, make sure you put security measures in place.
Catering services
As indicated by Wikipedia, Catering is the matter of giving food administration. This could happen distantly or at destinations like lodging, emergency clinic, airplane, journey transport, park, studio, or amusement site.
This suggests that you need to have sufficient involvement with the part of cooking.
An extremely rewarding business requiring 10k or less. You may lease cooking apparatuses when starting. With time, you will buy yours. There are some grounded cooks on Instagram and you can get motivation from them.
As always, if there is anything I didn’t touch on in this post, feel free to let me know in the comment session.
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Do you want to make money right from your campus and start building a successful life from school?
Bukola Owo-Bello is a spirited storyteller, content creator and YouTuber who loves sharing amazing opportunities, inspiration, and ideas with forward-thinking African youths.
Follow her on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram on @BukkiTalks