Youth representative, youth ambassador, African youth Leader, volunteer correspondent for international organizations. Public speaker, writer, animator, creative thinker, cook, ideator and project management.
In case you are wondering, I am only trying to describe one person here.
He is one of the brightest young minds to come out of Nigeria if not Africa.
His name is David Oluwatobiloba Adeyemi and he is an innovator and entrepreneur.
David Oluwatobiloba
Adeyemi graduated from the Department of Microbiology at Ajayi Crowther Univerisity a few months ago. He is waiting to be called up for his National Youth Service Corps.
While a student, David joined the Students for Liberty Group, became the representative and ambassador for many international organizations, championed many laudable causes, lead many youth groups, won many awards and received many recognitions.
Most interesting and impressive of all, he launched his own startup as a student.
I stumbled upon his profile on Instagram and I was fascinated.
We got talking and a few weeks later, he granted us an interview.
In this chat with David, he spills it all on how he was able to achieve so much as a student, his startup and future plans. Enjoy!
Bukki (for Ideaslane):
How would you describe your experience in school?
I would use the words “Epic”,”Stressful”, “Exciting”, “Inspiring”.
I am a social person so I participated in quite a number of social activities in school; I was a member of the Students for Liberty Group so I find myself going out to represent the school at debates and oratory contests.

But most importantly, I interacted and developed good relationships with quite a number of optimistic, goal driven and passionate individuals ranging from students to staff.
My roommates from my first year to final year were amazing and extremely individuals, course mates were lovely it was just wonderful.
The basic challenge I faced in school was being unable to create time for myself and personal interests due to the nature of my course. Morning to evening classes and lots of laboratory works.
For someone like me holding vital leadership positions like Youth Rep, Youth Ambassador, African Youth Leader, Volunteer Correspondent in a couple of international organizations and also actively involved in other causes this was a very tough task.
I had lots of unattended personal projects then and it was a very tough experience but all the way, I enjoyed it all.
I have learnt how to double task almost perfectly, work with time and also work under pressure.
My roommates from my first year to final year were amazing and extremely individuals, course mates were lovely it was just wonderful
Bukki: What have you been up to since you wrote your final papers?
I had to relax the body, brain and mind from the 4 years of continuous working. Apparently, I have been researching and perfecting a lot of my personal projects.
Bukki: (lol. You needed the rest, it’s understandable)

Tell us a bit about your passions, skills and interests
I am a STEAM leader that is, someone involved in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. I am passionate about the environment because it plays an important role in our health and lives.
A good and clean environment bears healthy people with fewer complications or health conditions while a bad and polluted environment causes serious deteriorating health conditions in individuals staying around it.
I am a public speaker, writer, animator, creative thinker, cook, ideator and I recently completed my diploma in project management. I am interested in business oriented, optimistic and goal driven people.
I love creating solution pathways to problems around me.
Bukki: Wow! I must say I’m impressed.
I understand you are an online volunteer for United Nations, how come about this?
I was introduced by an Asian friend of mine. We were both nominees for the Eduzine Global UK “ACE” Young Achiever Award in 2013/2014.
I emerged the 2nd runner-up and he contacted me, we got talking and discovered we shared similar interests.
Then the question popped up “Why don’t you join the UN, they need people like you and me” and he sent me a link.

Bukki: The rest is history, I guess. Interesting.
You recently launched a startup company called Ecogenic Solutions, tell us what it’s all about
Ecogenic Solutions is a startup company that is actively involved in creating solutions to ecological and environmental problems thereby making them fit and safe for Humanity.
For the start, we are producing cost-effective, eco-friendly and 100% safe multipurpose solutions from Kitchen waste products.
As specific dilution, A bottle of Ecogenic Multipurpose Solutions has the ability to serve as a dishwasher/fabric washer, air freshener/purifier, liquid fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, insecticides and so on.
We kick-started an “Anti-Plastic project” and we are 70% percentage closer to a process of degrading plastic bottles biologically in 6 months.
Bukki: Fantastic! But if I may ask why did you choose this line of business?
Because it falls in line with my passion. Like I said earlier, I am actively involved in the UN SDG particularly in the area of environmental protection. So it is something I really love.
Bukki: Being a student when you started, how did you raise capital to fund your startup?
Initially, I started with my savings and later on I got a financial gift worth 100USD from Mrs Tiffany McKnight Steele a very close friend of mine who was very interested in my works. I gathered both together and was able to kick start.
Bukki: How do you intend to grow and scale your business?
We are doing well and are currently pursuing to acquire important legal backings in terms of Registrations, Patent Right and all. We are currently in the production phase and have over 290 litres of multipurpose solution in our storage. We are aiming for 500liters before we start sales properly.

Our vision is to become the best of all brands in Environmental, Health and Social Sustainability by inspiring and implementing solution pathways to environmental, health and water crises globally and we are just a step towards achieving that.
We have lots and lots of products covering domestic, industrial and agricultural sectors.
In fact, we have discovered a way in which we can produce candy from a particular type of kitchen waste which also is amazing. This would create a lot of revenue for us but we would need partners, investors who would play important roles in the area of marketing and the likes as well.
We have been getting quite a number of LPS which we are still reviewing and we are opened to more investors.
Bukki: Fantastic plans. We wish you the very best.
You won the Judges Choice Award at the Student Entrepreneur Award SouthWest Region, tell us how you achieved that feat?
Winning the Judges Choice Award at the Students Innovations Challenge wasn’t an easy task. There were about 40 students cutting across institutions with amazing ideas as well. So I would say it was the work of the Almighty, not me.
Bukki: Who is your role model?
I spent most of my childhood with my grandparents.
My grandpa who happened to be a retired aeronautics engineer ignited my passion for science. My grandpa got me an encyclopedia when I was celebrating my 4-year-old birthday it was titled “The Science of Everything” from volume 1-3.
Through the book, I learnt about how things work from Nature, Biology to Physics, Mechanics and more. I learnt about great minds and ideas what changed the world and from that moment I discovered my calling was to create solutions to problems around me.
That was the foundation of everything but basically, my inspiration comes also from the kind of people and minds I have interacted with in the past and present. There is a saying that the person you want to be in the next 5 years depends on the books you read, things you listen to and the people you interact with.
Bukki: What is one book that you have read that has had the greatest influence on you?
I have read quite a number of books but one I know changed my life in 10 minutes was “Creating Power” by Karim Hajje.
It was a course teaching people how to tap into the power of their subconscious mind. If you know how to control the feeds and thoughts you get into your subconscious mind you will be able to create the kind of life you want.
The universe is governed by certain laws and principles and we all have the power to make the universe provide our needs.
When you find yourself in any kind of situation, challenge or such you just close your eyes and visualize everything, ignite the positive thoughts and silence the negative ones and you get to create a positive energy in which the universe will act upon. I collected it from my grandpa.

Bukki: What’s your best quote ever?
“Be ruthless on yourself; do not ever repeat the same tried methods” – Robert Greene
“There is a difference between people who are smart and people who get good grades” – Unknown
Bukki: Your advice to young African students who want to achieve their dreams?
Be yourself, believe in yourself, Work hard, Pray and never give up. Learn to care less about what people say because their opinions don’t matter but nevertheless, be opened to criticism so you can become better.
You might not get what you want the very moment you start but always remember that it isn’t just about hard work but consistency as well.
Go for what you are passionate about and not what others tell you to go, go for what makes you happy and also learn to connect and interact with people who are like-minded and have a lot to offer and the sky will be just your starting point.
I hope David’s story has inspired you.
What did you find most inspiring about David endeavours?
what do you have in common with him?
What are you determined to do going forward?
Feel free to share your thoughts.
Don’t forget to share this story with your friends to inspire them too. Remember, sharing is caring.
Many thanks for reading this.
NOTE: If you are a student entrepreneur with an inspiring story, send us an email via