Applications are now open for the Acceleration and Funding Programme for Digital Africa Businesses with Impacts (AFIDBA), this is a free 6 months Accelerator Programme targeted at the scaling up of Inclusive and Digital Companies in Africa.
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AFIDBA is a support program dedicated to inclusive businesses in the acceleration phase and active by integrating into their model vulnerable populations with very low income, with little or no access to essential goods & services.
Are you a committed and visionary entrepreneur running an impact business?
your company already generate revenue and do you want to take it to the next level? Are you looking to boost your activities and develop your business?
Do you work closely with vulnerable communities? Are you helping to improve the living conditions of vulnerable population?
Are you available for 1-2 appointments a week during 6 months to attend the AFIDBA Acceleration Program?
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- 6 months of intensive acceleration, funded by the AFD.
- A collective and individual coaching program.
- S
- A €1,500 digital scholarship.
- A potential hybrid financing for your Business up to 32000 USD (50% in grant, and 50% personal interest-free loan on trust)
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- Be of legal age (18 or over) on the date of the launch of the call for candidates.
- Be a citizen, resident, member of the African diaspora or integrate at least one African person (nationality or diaspora) into the founding team (with decision-making power over the strategies and operations of the company, as well as a substantial share of share capital);
- Carry out an active project in one of the four countries of intervention (at least), namely, Senegal, Morocco, Burkina Faso or Ghana;
- Be available (founder and his team) and physically present in the country to regularly follow the entire acceleration program;
- Be the bearer of an inclusive project (your business integrates the BoP population into your value chain as suppliers, distributors or customers.
See Also: SDG Impact Accelerator Global Call For Startups
Step 1: Evaluation of the application files
Based on the above criteria, an initial pre-selection of 10 projects on average per country will be made by a first selection committee to be held before the end of February 2021. An email notification will be sent to applicants by the Incubators within eight (8) days of the written selection committee’s decision.
See Also: Apply for Opportunities Network Virtual Internship Program 2021
Step 2: Bootcamp and final selection
The shortlisted projects will then be further evaluated during a Bootcamp which will be held physically or digitally (in case of confinement measures). At the end of the five (5) weeks of Bootcamp, the Incubators will organize an oral selection committee made up of AFIDBA and external partners.
Applicants must present their project in the form of a pitch to select the profiles most suited to the program. The degree of development of the entrepreneur between the start and the end of the Bootcamp is one of the
selection criteria of this oral selection committee.
Step 3: Integration into the acceleration program
The winners of the program will be informed by email notification with the incubation contract to be signed by the Incubator.
For more information visit the official webpage of AFIDBA 2021
Bukola Owo-Bello is a spirited storyteller, content creator and YouTuber who loves sharing amazing opportunities, inspiration, and ideas with forward-thinking African youths.
Follow her on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram on @BukkiTalks