We are already late
but the future still awaits us
we lost many battles
but the field still awaits victors
the past pulverized us today
let today save us tomorrow
If we keep looking through the mirrors
at our melancholic past, in vain shall we mope,
if they are pleased to mooch around the corridors of power
let them fill their cups as it pleases them
We can never act in insouciance
for tomorrow lies gently on our palms.
Their humdrum reigns of yesteryears birth barren rules
their decades-long reign birth beautiful still births
let’s part with sycophancy
and call a spade what it is,
a prostitute is a prostitute
not a stress relief worker,
Let’s call a thief a thief
not a victim of hunger.
let’s start our race today
that tomorrow may smile on us
tomorrow calls on us today
who will yield to the call that comes from within?
Hi, My name is Bukki Bello.A. Thanks for reading my poem. I wrote this one exactly 21/03/2010 somewhere in Ibadan. (over 8 years ago). I summoned a lot of courage to put it out and publish here for public consumption so I will really appreciate your sincere comment. How bad is this poem?