If you want to become a lecturer in the university you must have a first degree (preferably with a 2nd class upper or first class) and a second degree (with an excellent result). If your degree is in education, you may want to get a Postgraduate in education to have an edge, but this is not compulsory if you want to become a lecture in Nigeria.
How to become a lecturer in Nigeria
- Know the qualifications
- Get the qualifications
- Write papers
- Write great cvs and Cover letter
- Finding lecturing jobs
- Apply to educational institutions
- Attend interviews prepared
- Be on the lookout
- Pay hard
As we all know, getting a job in Nigeria is one of the hardest things any human can think of.
But then, for job seekers those who are able to best position themselves for opportunities, it becomes much easier to get a job, especially when one is very strategic about it.
Getting a lecturing job in Nigeria does not come by chance.
If you want to become a lecturer in Nigeria, you have to be very intentional about it, put in the work needed, shoot your shot aright and hope for the best.
Now, having said these, let me take you through the process and steps involved in how to become a lecturer in Nigeria.
Table of Contents
So how can I become a lecturer in Nigeria?
STEP #1 Know the qualifications
First things first, there are certain criteria and qualifications that must be met by anyone who wants to get into academia and lecture in Nigeria just as it is with other any other job.
So, find out the qualifications for the higher institutions you are applying to, be it a university or other tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
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Generally, a Master’s degree is required for university-level Assistant Lecturer.
When you have a Ph.D., the appointment starts with Lecturer, then gradually Associate Professor and Professor.
The number of researches you do and your teaching experience will determine your growth.
So, if you want to get a lecturing job in Nigeria, you need to know the needed qualification of the school you are applying too.
STEP #2 Get the qualifications
Now that you already know the qualifications required to become a lecturer in Nigeria, it’s time to go for it.
If you have a first degree already, you need to apply for your Master’s degree immediately.
A very good grade is required for both first and second degree if you want to become a lecturer in Nigeria.
Some institutions in Nigeria require an Education background for lecturers.
If you already have an education degree, good enough. If not, you may want to enroll for a Postgraduate Diploma.
Upon the completion of your masters, I will advise that you start your Ph.D.
With your Ph.D. in view and other criteria met, you will have more chances of lecturing in a university in Nigeria.
STEP #3 Write research papers
Another important factor that determines your chances of finding a lecturing job here in Nigeria is the number of research papers you have written.
Tell you what, this is a very important one.
If you want to follow this career path, then start writing research papers in areas relating to the course you want to lecture.
You may even want to co-author your research with one or more lecturers to get more noticeable.
When you write your research, ensure to have your research work published in reputable journals.
Again, that requires a lot of effort and dedication – that’s what lecturing is all about.
How to become a lecturer in Nigeria STEP #4 Write great cv/resume
More than any other job application, you need to take your time and put together a very compelling academic CV that would impress your panel of interviewers.
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When writing your CV, focus on your educational achievements and knowledge, this is the rule when applying for an academic position or research-based roles.
When writing your academic CV, remember to keep your CV concise and targeted to the role’s requirements.
For example, you may have on your first page, Your qualifications, academic achievements, research interests, and skills.
Use simple and correct grammar that will be understood by even a layman.
Also, remember to add details of your research outcomes, fellowships, scholarships or awards that you’ve received, and any other information that is valuable.
STEP #5 Find Lecturing Jobs
Now that you have a good resume, you need to start looking everywhere for openings for lecturing jobs.
Make sure to search for openings for lecturing jobs anywhere you can find it. As in other professions in Nigeria, lecturing job is highly competitive.
So, if you have contacts in academia, start putting them to good use.
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Be on the lookout for opportunities in the newspapers, university websites, another way is that openings may be advertised on the internet via university websites and other job platforms in Nigeria.
One thing you could do is set Google alerts so you get notified when there are any opportunities in any universities in Nigeria for lecturing jobs.
You should also connect with the academic community using professional platforms like LinkedIn and shoot your shots to lecturers, professors, and others who can link you up one way or the other.
STEP #6 Apply for the job
Applying for lecturing jobs in Nigeria is very different from applying for other jobs.
You may be required to submit or fill application forms, send copies of the resume.
When applying for a lecturing job, you may be required to send up to twenty (20) typewritten copies.
Some applications require that you write a cover letter. That will present another opportunity for you to stress your strength, values, skills, and motivations.
This will tell them more about your candidacy and why you should get the job.
Usually, you would be required to submit referees.
In all, make sure you read carefully the instructions for your application so that you can increase your chances of being called up for an interview.
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STEP #7 Attend Interviews Prepared
Now that your application for the post of a lecturer in Nigeria has been considered and you have been invited for an interview or a chat, it’s time to start preparing for your interview from the day you get the notice.
The earlier you start preparing for your lecturing job interview, the better.
Make sure you research the school as much as you can, your department, and what the post you are interviewing for entails.

Always be ready for a presentation, not just having your documents.
Practice your presentations in front of the mirror so you could develop some confidence and be able to answer questions satisfactorily.
Be friendly and don’t forget to put a smile on it. Also, dress well and look the part. A neatly laundered suit is suitable for men.
If you are a woman, make sure you dress neatly and modestly too. Nothing extravagant.
You don’t go to an interview for a lecturing work with a gold-colored hair or 7 inches heels. In all, keep it simple and neat.
STEP #8 Be on the lookout
If you want to get a lecturing job in Nigeria, you must be very strategic about it. Be on the look-out for opportunities around you.
You may not necessarily start with a school of choice but once you are in the system, it becomes easier to cross.
Like I said earlier, be on the lookout for job opportunities posted on newspapers, websites, and social media platforms.
Don’t hesitate to shoot your shot on a platform like LinkedIn for example. You never can tell when an opportunity will meet your preparation.
STEP # 9 Pray hard
I don’t care what your religion is, if you want to become a lecturer in Nigeria, you need a lot of prayers, yes, A LOT. And yes, you must also put in the required work.
That said, good luck to you.
That’s is on how to get a lecturing job in Nigeria.
Remember to know the required qualifications for lecturing jobs in Nigeria; get the qualifications, write research papers, find lecturing jobs, apply, prepare for the interviews, and be on the lookout, and play hard.
Other frequently asked questions about how to become a lecturer in Nigeria are:
How much does a lecturer earn in Nigeria?
The average salary of a lecturer II in Nigeria is between N1,649,509 and N1,979,640 per annum while a lecturer is paid N2,079,996 to N2,684,010 per annum. A senior lecturer earns N3,091,505 to N4,455,506 per annum while a reader earns N3,768,221 to N5,004,750 yearly for public schools in Nigeria.
How long does it take to become a professor in Nigeria?
To become a professor in Nigeria, a lecturer is expected to have, at least, three years of teaching, research, and community service at each of the four main levels of the lectureship. These levels are Lecturer Grade 2, Lecturer Grade 1, Senior Lecturer, and Associate Professor.
Is it hard to get a job as a lecturer?
As we all know, getting a job in Nigeria is one of the hardest things any human can think of. But then, for job seekers those who are able to best position themselves for opportunities, it becomes much easier to get a job, especially when one is very strategic about it.
Bukola Owo-Bello is a spirited storyteller, content creator and YouTuber who loves sharing amazing opportunities, inspiration, and ideas with forward-thinking African youths.
Follow her on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram on @BukkiTalks