A – Z Of Digital Marketing Terms


blog round ups on NYSC in NigeriaDigital marketing is the promotion of product, goods, services or brands via one or more forms of electronic media.

It is the umbrella term used to describe all your online marketing efforts.

Businesses employ digital channels such as social media, email, and websites to connect with current and potential customers.

Digital marketing has different terms for its various marketing activities just as we have in the traditional marketing too.

The list below captures some important digital marketing terms that every business owner and more importantly, every marketer should know.

Digital Marketing Terms You Should Know


In marketing, the audience is also known as “target market”. It is the particular group of people you’re trying to reach with your message. Your audience is usually broader than your present customers, they include prospective buyers.
Analytics is a term used to describe the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of Internet data. This serves the purpose of identifying who the visitors to your site is and improving your website accordingly.
B2B (Meaning Business-to-business) is a transaction that happens between two businesses, such as a manufacturer and a wholesaler or wholesaler and a retailer.
B2C (Business-to-consumer) is a transaction that happens between a business and consumers. In this transaction, the consumer is the intended end-users of the business’ products or services
A blog is a user-generated website either maintained by one user, or a group of users, where entries are made in journal style and customarily displayed in reverse chronological order.
Bounce Rate
The bounce rate is the percentage of people who leave a website after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate means that improvements to the website need to be made so that you can keep visitors there for longer.
A browser is a window into the entire internet. These are the programs that translate HTML, allowing you to view websites. Some examples are Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.
• Call To Action
A Call to Action (often abbreviated as CTA) is a piece of text or image that asks your potential customers, readers, leads and visitors to take action.
• Content
Web content is any form of visual, text, voice or animation content which you come across as part of the user experience on all websites.
• Domain
A domain is a name that identifies one or more IP addresses. So the name that you would type in the search bar on the top of the page is called a domain name.
• E-Marketing
E-Marketing is also referred to as either internet marketing, web marketing or even online marketing; it refers to the marketing of products or services over the Internet.
This is how we judge whether people are actually enjoying content, or merely saw it.
On social media, engagement means likes, replies, and shares. High engagement shows that your social marketing efforts are working, that people are reacting to your content.
Google+ is a social networking service provided by Google.
Google has described it as a “social layer” because it also associates web content with that account (i.e. if you comment on a blog, this comment can be made with your Google+ account).
Google Analytics
Analytics is a free, browser-based vital tool from Google for data reporting that allows users to track various different statistics with reference to a held website.
Hashtags are everywhere now, but they started on Twitter to capture conversations around a common theme. By using a hashtag in a social post, you signify to others that you’re intentionally joining a certain conversation. This makes it easier to find your posts.
A hyperlink is a word, phrase or image that you can click on to go to another document, page, or place within the same document. They’re on most web pages, making it easy for users to go from page to page.
Text hyperlinks are usually underlined and blue, but they don’t have to be.
• Impression
“Impression” is a term used in the ad (advertisement) world, an impression is when someone looks at your ad but doesn’t actually click on it.

Keyword refers to a word or phrase that potential customer’s type into their search engine while searching for a product or service.
• Monitoring
Monitoring lets you hear everything that’s said online. You can follow keywords and receive alerts whenever they’re used.
Marketers use monitoring for a variety of reasons, from brand tracking to social media monitoring, finding influencers, to spying on competitors. The aim is the same: to catch conversations you’d otherwise never have known about.
• Micro-blogging
Micro-blogging is very similar to blogging but instead, they are a lot shorter often just one sentence or an image. The most common Micro-blogging site is Twitter, due to you being able to post from a mobile meaning it is quick and easy to do.
Organic Search Results
Organic Search Results also are known as Natural Listings are Unpaid Listings are the results that show in a search engine due to the relevance of the keyword you type into the website rather than the paid advertising.
• Podcast
A podcast is a number of audio or video files which are posted online and they are usually released episodically and syndicated to subscribers via RSS. It is in a way a blog but instead, you are using audio and video instead of text.
seo-1181173__340Search Engine Optimisation is an ongoing process of making a site and also its content highly relevant for both search engines and searchers. It includes technical tasks to make it easier for search engines to find and index a site for the appropriate keywords.
• Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is when social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, are used to garner interest in business and to increase website traffic.
• Social listening
Listening is the term for monitoring what’s said on social media by users. Social platforms provide a wealth of information for brands. You just have to listen and know what is being said of your brand.
SMO stands for social media optimization. This means the use of a number of social media outlets and communities in order to try and increase the publicity/awareness of your product, brand or event.
URL is an abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator. A URL is an address for a website.
• Unique Visitors
A unique visitor is an individual who visits your website. No matter how many times they visit your website, they will only be counted once. The way they are identified is often by their IP address.
• Vlog
A vlog is the same as a blog but instead of writing about a topic you are instead videoing yourself or even others talking about a topic. A vlog is often better than a blog because it keeps the viewer interested and entertained but with a vlog it could be harder for people to understand or take notes.
A webinar is also known as a webcast. It is a web-based seminar it is an interactive, often educational seminar or event conducted via the Internet. It is usually a live presentation allowing users to participate in their computers saving them the hassle of spending money to attend a physical event.

YouTube is a video sharing social networking profile that allows you to post videos about almost anything. Very similar to Twitter which is a micro-blogging site YouTube allows you to post vlogs.



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