How much do Nigerian bloggers really make monthly? That was the question that occupied my mind in my first few months of blogging.
I frequently visited google seeking answers to these important questions several times.
I would surf through the net looking for how much Nigerian bloggers make from blogging to see if I too had a chance.
Well, sometimes my searches were worth it, sometimes it was just a mere waste of data.
But in any case, I would search and search and search abandoning the actual work of blogging.
If you are new in the blogosphere or you have just decided to be serious with it, you no doubt want to have an idea of how much you can make from blogging.
You want to know what successful bloggers are making from blogging and see if it looks good enough.
I tell you, that’s a wise thing to do.
In this blog post, I will give you an idea of what some of the top bloggers in Nigeria take home every month.
But here is a word of caution:
Don’t Be Distracted By What Top Nigerian Bloggers Earn
As I let you into how much some of your top blogger/celebrities earn, you may become a little worried.
Worried that you have a long way to go to meet up with the work some of these bloggers are putting in.
You may even think since you are hardly getting any result fro your blog now, there is no point after all.
That’s exactly what happens when you allow other people’s success to define your failure. Don’t allow this to happen.
With these beginners tips to grow your blog fast, you can achieve reasonable success with your blog within a reasonable period of time. But you must not define your success by that of Linda Ikeji or Bellanaija. That will not work for you.
Using Linda Ikeji as a Case Study, I Will Give You An Idea Of How Much Top Bloggers Make Here In Nigeria.
Please note that the figures and numbers given here are a general estimation. They are not the exact amounts they earn. I do not have Linda Ikeji’s accounts number or anyone of the top bloggers for that matter.
Now, let’s see how much top bloggers make monthly in Nigeria.
Lindaikeji –
LindaIkejisblog holds the 29th position in Nigeria according to Alexa as of August 2018 (Rankings on Alexa and other platforms usually fluctuate).
Linda Ikeji’s blog is a news and entertainment blog that was started in 2006. The blog is over a decade old, little wonder Linda is the richest blogger in Nigeria.
Linda Ikeji’s Monthly Income
Earnings From Google Adsense
According to SEMrush, LindaIkjei’s blog generates about a whooping of 1,000,000 organic searches monthly. That’s a huge one. Those organic searches translate to millions of search views which automatically translate to GoogleAdsense revenue.
Let’s assume out of 1,000,000 organic searches monthly, she has 2 million page views a day in traffic at the very least. With 2 million daily page views, Linda will attract GoogleAdsense that pay a jaw-dropping amount.

If she has 2 million unique views daily and about 3-4 Google Adsense Adverts, she should be making over $80,000 0R N 28,000,000 monthly. Sometimes she has more than 3-4 Google adverts on her blog. That means she could easily make more than this estimated amount.
But we can’t say for sure, so there are the plus and minus factors.
Earnings From Sponsored Posts
Linda makes a lot of money from sponsored posts. These types of posts appear like normal news but they are paid for as PR.
For each sponsored post, Linda is said to charge N55,000. On a good day, we may see up to 5 of such posts. Somedays there are more, somedays there are less. Calculating at N55,000 per sponsored post per day, in a month, she is making roughly N1million plus or minus.
Income From Custom adverts
These are direct adverts from different brands visibly placed on a blog. Most times it is placed by a companies’ agency.

On an average, it is said that it may cost as much as N500,000 per month to place a custom Ad. If she gets on an average, 10 brands for custom Ads, we are talking N6million per mouth.
Lindaikeji Also Make Money From Site Take-Overs
Site takeovers are exactly what they sound like, an advertiser takes over your site’s background paying you real good. Site takeovers are not common. Personally, I have seen it on top blogs like Bellanaija and Lindaikejisblog in Nigeria.

According to some sources, Linda charges nothing less than N750,000 per site take-over for a week. Although we can not lay claim to these figures, let’s put it at an average.
At the estimated rate of N750,000 per week, four adverts per month amount to N3,000,000 what a wow! Lol.
Earnings From Top Banners
On a normal day when you visit LindaIkejisblog, nothing less than 4 top banners are beaconing on you to click them.

Each of those banners goes for nothing less than N1million in a month.
So there you have it N1million X 4 = N4m monthly.
Through these sources of earnings that we just analysed, Linda Ikeji may be making around N42millon monthly. But we do not have the actual figures. Who knows she might be making twice that amount.
Apart from her blog, there should be many other ways she makes her money i.e through brand ambassadorship and all.
She also has LindaIkeji TV which was said to have made nothing less that 30millon in its the first month of operation.
When you put all these together, with proper savings she should be able to buy more than a house in Banana Islands.
Top Nigerian bloggers are making “armed robber” monthly income from blogging.
This explains why it was not much of a surprise to some of us when we heard that Linda bought a house in Banana Island and gifts her younger ones latest car models. She should be able to afford them with what she earns.
Other blogs like,,,etc. are also making reasonable monthly earnings from blogging even though it may not be as much as what the Linda Ikejis of this world makes.
For one thing, all successful bloggers in Nigeria and other places are putting in a lot of hard work, strategy, learning, dedication and consistency. If you follow suit, you will make it blogging.