Hey guys,
Welcome to another brand new week and a brand new month. This week, we bring you juicy opportunities for growth.
Sit back, take your time to browse through and apply where needed.
Also, don’t forget to check previous opportunities still running.
Table of Contents
UNIDO Global Call for Innovative Ideas and Technologies vs. COVID-19 and Beyond
Applications are invited for the UNIDO Global Call for Innovative Ideas and Technologies vs. COVID-19 and Beyond. The Global call has the objective to identify and promote the best innovative ideas and technologies to respond to the COVID-19 emergency and its aftermath that could be successfully applied in Developing Countries (DCs).
The COVID-19 pandemic will have far-reaching and long-term effects on populations and economies worldwide.
Besides its immediate impact on health, the socioeconomic consequences of the pandemic are likely to be felt by economic actors over the world, and the populations of developing countries and economies in transition are expected to be among those most vulnerable to suffer from COVID-19-related challenges.
The Global Call is aimed at identifying “Innovative Ideas and Technologies vs. COVID-19 and beyond”, namely scalable solutions to cope with the direct and indirect impact of COVID-19 in developing countries and economies in transition, and their respective needs in the transition to post-crisis socioeconomic realities in the aftermath of the pandemic.
The Global Call offers an opportunity at the international level to identify and promote innovative solutions contributing to tackle COVID-19 effects in developing countries and make their economies more resilient, in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The initiative, inspired by ITPO Italy, is promoted by UNIDO – United Nations Industrial Development Organization – through its network of ITPOs, Investment and Technology Promotion Offices around the world.
Specifically, priority will be given to the following four strategic categories:
Health Emergency
Energy and Environment
Food and Agriculture
Resilient Industries and Infrastructures
Opportunity to participate as a keynote speaker and guest of honor at the final Award Ceremony to be virtually organized by UNIDO on July 14, 2020;
Realization of an ad hoc web page on the winner innovative idea and / or technology within the UNIDO’s institutional website and assistance in defining a promotional strategy;
Opportunity to make use of an exhibition pass and booth space at EuroScience Open Forum 2020 (ESOF2020) to be held in September 2020 in Trieste (Italy);
The showcase of winning proposals at Expo Dubai to be held in 2021;
Honest brokering services to access, through ad hoc promotional activities, to the worldwide UNIDO and ITPOs network with the aim to guarantee the maximum visibility to the winner proposal and foster the conclusion of international technical, financial and academic partnerships;
Advisory and mentorship services concerning the awarded project.
The proposal can be submitted by:
Micro, small, medium, and large companies;
Research centers, incubators, technology transfer offices, university spin-offs, and academia;
Public-Private Partnerships;
Associations, business consortia, and company networks, NGOs, private foundations.
The organizers encourage the participation of proposals at any level of development, from early-stage ideas to scaled-up projects, but also innovative technologies under testing and evidence collection.
Participation in the initiative is free of charge.
Each participant can submit a maximum of two applications. A larger submission of proposals would lead to the exclusion of extra applications based on the order in which they are received.
Deadline June 30, 2020
Fishbowl Challenge Entrepreneurial Competition 2020 (Up to $50,000 prize)
Deadline: July 15, 2020
Entries are open for the Fishbowl Challenge Entrepreneurial Competition 2020. The Fishbowl Challenge is a competition that brings together students from various parts of the world in collaborative problem-solving for some of the world’s most complex social and economic issues.

Fishbowl is an intense 6-month business planning competition to tackle some of the world’s most important challenges. Teams from around the world compete for a fully-funded summer to pursue their venture and for a shot at seed funding while receiving feedback from mentors and judges along the way.
How It Works
Up to $50,000 in prize money to be won
Opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals
Gain experience working with a global team
Build your skills and grow as an entrepreneur
The Fishbowl Challenge welcomes applicants from all countries.
Only undergraduate and graduate (Master’s) university students are eligible to apply
Individuals can apply with an idea or an interest in any of our listed categories of social issues. If your topic of interest is not within the shortlisted categories, you are welcome to apply and indicate which topic area you are interested in pursuing while filling out the application form.
The competition is remote and will see students forming remote groups of 4-5 people to work on an idea for a venture that solves a pressing need for the World over 6 months.
Students will have the chance to work as part of an international team of like-minded peers in solving problems with the support of mentors and resources to guide them along the way.
The challenge is founded on two main principles: an interconnected world where many of the problems today can only be solved through collaborative efforts and the need to empower young people to add their voice, knowledge, and resources to make the world a better place.
Teams will be competing for a chance to win up to $50,000 in prize money to develop their ideas further over the summer and will be attending the 2021 Finals in Berlin, Germany (all expenses paid).
Applications will be reviewed and 100 candidates selected.
The shortlisted candidates will be invited to go through a team formation process which will involve a matching process based on mutual interest.
Teams will then begin the first round of the project which is a problem statement, ideation, and initial business plan process.
Deadline: July 15, 2020
The Art Moves 2020 International Billboard Art Competition
The Billboard Art Competition is a part of the 13th Festival of Art on Billboards Art Moves. The invitation is addressed to all interested people, artists, and students. There is no entry fee.
The artwork is supposed to be a creative response to this year’s competition theme: Epidemics – a global catastrophe, a punishment, or a chance to reinvent yourself and the world?
Looking for fully-funded opportunities, install the Youth Opportunities Android or iOS App here.
This competition slogan can be treated as a metaphor for all the processes taking place in the world today. The past few months have changed the entire world – societies and countries, families, and individual people.
The standard rules of reality have been suspended, and we have been hiding in our homes, isolated from others, and transfixed with horror. Individuals and whole societies have been overwhelmed by fear, anxiety, and trauma.
These tough moments and experiences have left an imprint on us, but have they changed us for the better? Is it a permanent or just a temporary change, and will the world be what it used to be?
Should we quickly forget about what happened – our experiences and emotions; or maybe on the contrary, should we remember it well, think about it and draw constructive conclusions?
Is it a punishment or maybe a chance to reinvent ourselves and the world in a joint global effort?
How to use these difficult experiences to build a better world? What can these tough events we have all experienced in different places around the world teach us?
Which of these experiences can strengthen us and the culture we live in to better cope with similar challenges in the future?
The purpose of the Competition is to propagate and popularize billboard art and to encourage artists to create art engaged in reality.
The author of the winning entry will receive the Main Award in the amount of PLN 5.000 (about EUR 1 127, USD 1 278).
The best 10 artworks selected by an international jury panel will be printed and exhibited in the urban space of the city of Torun, Poland in September/October 2020.
Both individual artists and groups of artists can participate in the competition.
In case of groups, the following data should be included on the application card: names and surnames of ALL the authors of the work and
contact details of ONLY one person who will be representing a group in contact with the organizers of the competition.
Eligible Regions: Open for All