Apply for Poetry Free Verse Contest 2022


PYTA seeks today’s best free verses no longer than 20 LINES!  No fee to enter. Submit published or unpublished work. There will not be any specific genre, make it as creative as possible!

PYTA (Penang Young Talent Association) is an association aims to make opportunities for the young population of Penang, accomplishing this through tournaments, competitions and other activities which require creativity and thinking. They will hold all competitions in English, although this may not be easy and fair for some people, they want to try to keep it as wide of a spectrum as possible for everyone.




  • All participants will earn points upon entry.
  • Winners and follow-ups will earn vouchers to any exclusive WTF bracelets available now!


No minimum requirements!

Eligible Regions: Open for All




  • Write any type of poem you can imagine.
  • There will be a limit of 20 lines, however, you can do whatever you want with that.
  • Submit your final entry onto the form link displayed below.
  • Join PYTA as a member to see the final results!

Application Deadline: September 23, 2022.

For more information and application, visit the official website of the Poetry Free Verse Contest 2022.


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