Become a contributor on
We accept high-quality writers to become part of our growing list of valued contributors.
If you have insightful, well-written, interesting and compelling content that you would love to share with our audience, you are warmly welcome.
See Also: About Us
Who can contribute?
You will be accepted as our contributor if you are knowledgeable on one or more subjects such as self-development, entrepreneurship, career development, women empowerment, digital skill acquisition, make money online ideas, marketing, sales, etc.
See Also: Contact us
You can write for IdeaslaneAfrica if you are a:
- Student writer with a good eye for quality content and a good understanding of your subject matter.
- An experienced blogger with good knowledge of SEO and a good understanding of English grammar.
- Startup/company Founder/Co-founder, CEO, marketer, etc.
- Thought leader, industry expert, entrepreneur, corporate and non-corporate executive,
- Business owner, consultant, resource person, researcher
- Author, Writer/ professional in any relevant field.
- Journalist, reporter, business analysts, etc
- Tech enthusiasts, geeks, techie, etc.
- Bloggers, freelance writers, and content creators, and others.
Please note that your contribution must be a non-promotional article.
At, we have a bias for quality content. You may want to invest some time on our website to study and understand the kind of articles and stories we publish.
Our editors will subject your contributions to scrutiny and then approve your contributions for publication. We will, however, get back to you via email to notify you if you fall short of our standard.
Following the above guidelines, if you believe you have what it takes to be a contributor to our platform, you may send your contributions to
Please send a detailed description of:
- Full name
- Why you want to contribute to
- The topic you’ll love to write on
- Your brief profile as you would want to have it attached to your posts.
- Email address (Use the email connected to your gravatar account if you have any on your website.
- Attach a headshot photo of you, not more than 400KB
Kindly send your contributions to
Thanks. Find out more about us here.