About Ideaslane.com


About Ideaslane.com

The knowledge you get in the university no longer suffices to get you that dream of yours to live a meaningful, successful, purposeful, and impactful life; a life where you will not only be happy and comfortable but also positively influencer people around you.

It’s the unending wealth of resources, tools, and opportunities that you acquire that will give you the leap you need not only now in school but even when you graduate and go into the real world.

As a student you probably want to:

  • Be an excellent student, do well in school and start off on a good career path after school.
  • Make money in school while studying for your degree so you could not only be financially independent but also be able to get yourself nice kicks once a while.
  • You want to learn a skill outside of your classwork and become an expert at something.
  • You don’t want to fall into the “unemployed” statistics when you eventually graduate as you’ve probably seen many older folks become.

How about we make all these happen for you and even more?

Welcome to ideaslane.com

Enter your email below to join the ideaslaners tribe, get access to exclusive resources, tools, tips and supercharge your campus experience.

I’ll also send you a free copy of my book: How not to be broke after school: 7 Formulas for creating lasting wealth from on-campus.

Or let me tell you more about this website if you still want to know more.

No, problem, I have some time on my hands.

Brilliant is not enough, smart rules the world; you’re intelligent, it’s time to get street smart!

I’m pleased to inform you that you don’t have to wait till you graduate from school before you start getting paid for jobs, making deals with brands, pursuing your dreams, and carving out a career path for yourself.

A few years back, when I was an undergrad, you had to get out of school before you start making a meaning out of your life, but not today. Everything seems just to be fast-paced and so is starting a career and making a living.

Welcome to Ideaslane. This blog is dedicated to helping you build a remarkable career from on-campus and start leading an amazing life from now.

This website is not like anything you’ve seen online. Yes, there are tons of websites offering examination expos and success tips and tricks for doing well in examinations and maybe for getting-rich-quick.

What you’ll find here are in-depth proven and practical strategies and methods to help you go beyond success in examinations to unimaginable success in life.

This blog is all about preparing the stage for a wildly successful journey ahead not just in school but beyond.

These are the three main focuses here at Ideaslane.com

  • Learn life-changing, skills, habits, and behaviors that will help you achieve the greatness that is beyond your wildest dreams.

Beyond any success tips and tricks that the best motivational speakers will tell you, building life-changing habits and behaviors are some of the easiest and fastest ways to lead a purpose-driven and successful life.

Negative habits and behaviors can stop you from achieving the amazing success you are meant to achieve. On this blog, we’ll help you cultivate good habits that would lead not only to a productive and successful life but one of endless happiness.

You’ll also learn today’s jobs skills both soft and hard that would make it utterly impossible for any employer to say anything other than yes, you’re hired to you!

  • Harness amazing opportunities and possibilities that would lead to the greatest prospects for you

There has never been a time that students had access to endless opportunities and a wealth of possibilities such as now.

We’ll bring you some of the best opportunities available for you from across the world right on your doorstep – the blog.

We’ll teach you how to harness opportunities and not just be a spectator in this interesting movie going on in the world’s scene today.

See what other aspirational youths are doing in Nigeria, Africa, and beyond. Get a constant dose of inspiration from these ones in a form of interviews, chats, and live video coverages.

  • Learn how to make money as a student, send some money to your kid siblings, and get some good kicks when you need one.

You’ll learn how to make cool bucks on campus and live your best life as a student. you don’t have to be broke all in the name of attaining a degree.

You can be a student and be boxed up, and who doesn’t want the latter?

You’ll learn how to make money online as a student, online business opportunities for students, and how you can do all these without impacting your grades – which is the main reason you are in school, after all.

Aside from these three main focuses, you’ll also learn about other topics related to living a remarkable and fulfilling life and well… impacting.

Some topics include books to read, starting a blog, how to be more friendly, and just a ton of other miscellaneous.

If you haven’t yet signed up, enter your email below and grab your copy of How Not to be broke after school: 7 Formulas for creating lasting wealth from on-campus.




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